1. Dianna Yim, Garance Nicole Loison, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard, Edwin Chan, Alec McAllister, Frank Maurer (2016). Gesture-driven Interactions on a Virtual Hologram in Mixed Reality. In ISS Workshop on Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (CMIS). Niagara Falls, Canada, 2016.
  2. Cooper Davies, Jade White, Alec McAllister, Adam Saroka, Omar Addam, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard, Frank Maurer (2016). A Toolkit for Building Collaborative Immersive Multi-Surface Application. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2016), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2016.
  3. Edwin Chan, Yuxi Wang, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer (2016). ERWear: Wearable System Design through the Lens of First Responders. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2016), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2016.
  4. Edwin Chan, Yuxi Wang, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer (2016). Using Area Learning in Spatially-Aware Ubiquitous Environments. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
  5. Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Frank Maurer (2016). Acquario: A Tangible Spatially-Aware Tool for Information Interaction and Visualization. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
  6. Marbouti Mahshid and Frank Maurer. “Social Media Use During Emergency Response-insights form Emergency Professionals”. Conference on e-Business, e-Service and e-Society. Springer International Publishing, 2016. Slides
  7. Alaa Azazi, Low-Cost Indoor Localization Within and Across Disjoint Ubiquitous Environments using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons, Master’s Thesis, University of Calgary (2016).
  8. Craig Anslow, John Brosz, Mike Boyes, and Frank Maurer. Datathons: An Experience Report of Data Hackathons for Data Science Education. In Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Memphis, Tennessee USA, 2016.
  9. Rahul Kamal Bhaskar, Craig Anslow, John Brosz, Frank Maurer (2016). Developing Usable API with XP and Cognitive Dimensions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium of Visual Language and Human-Centeric Computing, Cambridge, UK, 2016.
  10. Teddy Seyed, Xing-Dong Yang, Daniel Vogel (2016). Doppio: A reconfigurable Dual-Face Smartwatch for Tangible Interaction. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, USA, 2016.
  11. Edwin Chan, Xing-Dong Yang, Teddy Seyed, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Frank Maurer (2016). User Elicitation on Single-hand Micro gestures. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, USA, 2016.
  12. Mahshid Marbouti, Rahul Bhaskar, Zahra Shakeri, Craig Anslow, Leland Jackson, Frank Maurer (2016). Designing Geovisual Analytics application for exploring Hydrological Data. In International Symposium on Big Data Management and Analytics (BIDMA), Calgary, Canada.
  13. Mahshid Marbouti, Theodore D. Hellmann, Frank Maurer (2016). Social Media Visual Analytics for Emergency Management: A Systematic Mapping. In CSCW 2016 Workshop on Collaboration and Decision Making in Crisis Situations (CADMICS), San Francisco, USA.
  14. Edwin Chan, Dan Gonzalez, Mahshid Marbouti, Irene Mayor, Sydney Pratte, Teddy Seyed, Yuxi Wang, Jade White, Frank Maurer (2016). Multi-Surface Systems for the Emergency Operations Centre of the Future. In CSCW 2016 Workshop on Collaboration and Decision Making in Crisis Situations (CADMICS), San Francisco, USA.
  15. Sohan, S. M., Anslow, C., & Maurer, F. (2017, May). Automated example oriented REST API documentation at Cisco. In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track(pp. 213-222). IEEE Press.



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